Personal Peace Foundation

"EFT With A Guarantee"

Results guaranteed- including over the phone -or there is no donation.

90% of over 8,000 successful sessions have been over the phone.

Tom Masbaum, EFT Advanced, founder of "EFT With A Guarantee"

EFT is endorsed by prominent doctors and individuals, including Deepak Chopra, MD, Norman Shealy, MD, Bruce Lipton, Phd, Joseph Mercola, MD, Candace Pert, Phd, Cheryl Richardson, Donna Eden and Eric Robins, MD.

Are You Bothered By:

Stress, fears, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, insomnia, trauma/PTSD, digestive problems (acid reflux, colitis, diverticulitis, Crohn’s, IBS)?  

 All of these can be substantially lessened-sometimes even eliminated.

100% Guarantee of Success or No Donation.

I’m Tom Masbaum, EFT Advanced, and founder of "EFT With A Guarantee". I have been teaching EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) workshops all over the Chicago area as well as through individual phone sessions since 2004. I feel so strongly that EFT can help release emotional and/or physical issues that I GUARANTEE RESULTS or there is no donation. 

While a majority of my 8000+ private sessions have been on the phone, private sessions can also be in person at various locations with the same guarantee of success. 

EFT: self-applied without a need to voice out loud with no drugs or equipment involved usually rapid, long lasting, gentle easily learned by anyone

EFT Can Be Used For:
  • Stress
  • Frustrations/Anger
  • PTSD
  • Grief/Sadness/Depression
  • Guilt
  • Addictions
  • Anxieties/Panic Attacks

  • Pain
  • Weight Issues
  • Colon Problems
  • Fears/Phobias
  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Breast Issues

EFT is natural healing at its best.

Contact Us

 EFTwithTom .   Mailing address:  15457 Las Flores Ln.  Oak Forest, IL 60452

DISCLAIMER: The U.S. law does not permit us to diagnose or treat medical conditions or to make any medical claims of healing or curing any person or illness. Please understand that our comments are for educational purposes only. While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it. Further, Tom Masbaum and Linda Nyberg are not licensed health professionals and offer EFT as personal performance coaches, spiritual coaches and as EFT Practitioners.
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